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He did more than 50 marriages through, the father of 3 children turned out to be a cunning hunter of girls

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Delhi Police has arrested the girl hunter by trapping him. Currently, the police is interrogating him and making a list of the girls and women who have been his victims. So that complaints can be filed against Mukeem and new cases can be registered against him. For your information, let us tell you that till now Mukeem has revealed the names of more than fifty girls who have been his victims.

New Delhi: Internet is such an amazing thing. In real life, people often do not talk directly to their own family members, but on the internet, they open their hearts to a stranger sitting in another corner of the country . There is no dearth of people who take advantage of this weakness of humans. One of them is Mukeem Ayub Khan, who is in the custody of Delhi Police. Mukeem is about 38 years old. He is a resident of Pratapgarh district of UP, but roaming around India and fooling girls is his profession as well as hobby . Mukeem uses websites and apps like and for this. You can guess how big an artist this person is from the fact that he has cheated more than 50 girls and women in the name of marriage so far, and in fact, he has married many of them and has also lived with them in their house as a husband .

The 'boy' turned out to be the father of three children and was ready to get married

The interesting thing is that Mukeem himself got married in 2014 and he has three children with his wife. Despite this, he was roaming around for the last four years in different states and hunting women and girls in the name of marriage . Mukeem's first victim was a divorced woman from Vadodara, Gujarat. Mukeem had trapped this working woman in his net by creating a profile on In his profile, Mukeem showed himself to be a government officer whose wife had died and he also has a five-year-old daughter. During the conversation, showing a big heart, he told the woman and her family that he does not lack anything, he just wants a mother for his daughter. The woman's family got swayed by Mukeem's sweet talk and they got their daughter married to him. Mukeem then shifted to Vadodara and after marrying this woman, started living in her house as a live - in husband .

Widows and divorced girls became targets

After this, it was as if Muqeem's face turned red. This was the year 2020 when people were scared and locked in their homes due to the fear of Corona and were using the internet as much as possible. During this time, Muqeem started trapping girls and women across India by creating fake profiles one after the other. He used to talk sweetly on the phone , express sympathywith them and to make them believe his story, he would also show them pictures of his dead wife and 5 -year-old daughter. Muqeem's target were high profile Muslim girls . Especially girls and women from rich families who are divorced , who have crossed the marriageable age , or whose husband has died. In all these cases, the girl's family does not take much time to choose a son-in-law and if they find a boy with a good looks and good looks at a good position, they immediately say yes. Muqeem took full advantage of this deficiency and weakness of the society.

Dozens of girls were trapped through internet fraud

After Vadodara, Mukeem headed towards Delhi. Here in Preet Vihar area, he once again targeted a divorced woman and after the marriage was fixed, he collected money in the name of booking a banquet hall and hotel and then absconded. In other similar cases, he sometimes collected money from the in-laws on the pretext of losing purse and sometimes borrowed money in the name of losing ATM card or credit card and never returned it. In the next few months, Mukeem became so proficient in this business that he not only got married and lived as a son-in-law in different houses, but also kept collecting money by taking loans in the name of his working or rich wife . In many cases , he booked expensive jewellery in the name of gifting it to his wives , got money from them and then absconded with the jewellery.

A female judge was also cheated in the name of marriage

After cheating such innocent women, Mukeem would change his mobile number and delete his profile from the matrimonial site . In such a situation, due to shame and fear of defamation, these divorced and widowed women would hide the fact of cheating from their own family members, let alone complaining to the police. And due to this, Mukeem would get a chance to prey on more such women. Till now, the police have registered a total of five cases of 400 BC against Mukeem . Out of which two cases are registered in Lucknow , one in Delhi , one in Raebareli and one in Rampur of UP . The amazing thing is that Mukeem not only trapped divorced women from big families in his net but also cheated women working in high positions in government jobs , even a woman judge in the same way.

The hunter of girls himself became the victim

When these complaints reached the police, the Crime Branch and Anti Extortion and Kidnapping Cell of Delhi Police were given the responsibility of catching Mukeem. But it was not easy to reach Mukeem. He kept changing his mobile number and location. By the time the police traced him and reached one place, he would have left for another place. But through continuous surveillance and a network of informers, the police finally came to know that Mukeem was coming to Delhi from Vadodara and his train was arriving at Nizamuddin Railway Station. So at the appointed time, the police team laid a trap and trapped the hunter of girls. Mukeem was arrested from outside Nizamuddin Railway Station in Delhi. Currently, the police is interrogating him and making a list of girls and women who were his victims. So that new cases can be registered against Mukeem after taking complaints against him. For your information, let us tell you that till now Mukeem has revealed the names of more than fifty women who became his victims.

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