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One fridge in forty pieces: The mystery of Mahalakshmi's body being kept in pieces for 19 days in Bengaluru's fridge is being revealed

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The door of the house is opened in the presence of the landlord and the neighbours. But as soon as the door is opened, such a strong stench comes from inside that everyone retreats. After some time, they muster courage and go inside again. There were blood stains all over the floor. A dried line of blood was going towards the fridge kept in the room. As soon as the door of the fridge opened, everyone ran out of the room with a scream. What they saw inside the fridge in that one moment was terrifying.

Bengaluru: This is the room in this three-storey building located in 6th Cross Pipeline Road in Vyalikaval area of Bengaluru , which has sprung up another Shraddha from within itself. 29- year-old Mahalakshmi was locked in about 30 to 40165- litre model single door fridge kept in this room for 19 days . 30 to 40 pieces because many pieces were scattered outside the fridge and even on the floor of this room. The Bengaluru police itself does not remember having seen such a horrifying or frightening crime scene before. Initially, the police themselves had returned from this room i.e. crime scene out of fear. Evidence in the form of pieces was scattered in such a way in the room that the forensic team of Bengaluru also had to call the medical staff of the government hospital to collect it.

Mahalakshmi was alone for five months

In fact , after about 19 days, the door of this room opened on Saturday, September 21 , at around 3:30 pm. A new tenant in the form of Mahalakshmi had come on the first floor of this building five months ago. Mahalakshmi, a resident of Nepal, lived alone here. Even the neighbors did not know her. The reason was that every day she would leave the house at 9:30 am and return home only after 10:30 pm. Mahalakshmi's mother and sister live in Bengaluru. After September 2, Mahalakshmi's phone suddenly goes off. Her mother and sister keep calling , but she is not able to talk. Meanwhile, on September 20 , some neighbors complain to the building owner that a strange smell is coming from inside Mahalakshmi's closed house. At the time of the rent agreement, Mahalakshmi had given the address and phone number of her mother and sister living in Bengaluru as emergency contact. The landlord calls Mahalakshmi's mother and informs her about the foul smell coming from Mahalakshmi's house. Mahalakshmi's mother had not spoken to her for the past 19 days. She gets scared after hearing the landlord's words. Mahalakshmi's mother had one key of the house. She immediately takes the key and reaches home with Mahalakshmi along with her other daughter.

Even the police have never seen such a crime scene

The door of the house is opened in the presence of the landlord and the neighbours. But as soon as the door opens, such a strong stench comes from inside that everyone retreats. After some time, they muster courage and go inside again. There were blood marks everywhere on the floor. Small pieces of flesh were lying there. And a dried line of blood was going towards the fridge kept in the room. As soon as the door of the fridge opened, everyone ran out of the room with a scream. What they saw inside the fridge in that one moment was terrifying . The landlord had understood everything. He immediately called the police. The police also reached the spot in a hurry . Now the police goes into the room. But the stench was so strong that they could not stop themselves. The police team also comes out. Then a double mask is called. With that double mask, the police again goes into the room. The door of the fridge was open. Everything was visible in front. Two human feet were kept in the topmost compartment of the fridge. In the middle compartment there are different parts of human body and in the lowest compartment there is a head. Mahalakshmi's head.

Pieces of flesh were scattered on the floor

Now the police's eyes fall on the floor of the room outside the fridge. As soon as they look at the floor, the police themselves start trembling. Along with frozen blood, small pieces of flesh were lying around . Now Forensic Science Laboratory and Scene of Crime Officers i.e. ' SOCO ' are called on the spot. This was a strange crime scene even for SOCO. It was extremely difficult to collect evidence from such a crime scene. Therefore , now for help, SOCO's team called the staff of the morgue of Boring Hospital. After the morgue staff arrived, the pieces of the dead bodies scattered from the fridge to the floor were collected. And during this collection, it was estimated that the number of pieces of the dead body was between thirty to forty. This body divided into pieces was now sent to the morgue.

Corpse pieces remained in the fridge for 19 days

After collecting the body parts, the police searched the room. During the search, a mobile was found on Mahalakshmi's bed. This mobile belonged to Mahalakshmi. When the CDR i.e. call detail record of the mobile was checked , it was found that the last call from this phone was made on 2 September. After 2 September, neither any call was made nor received from this phone. From this, Bengaluru police guessed that Mahalakshmi was murdered between 2 and 3 September. But the question is why did someone kill Mahalakshmi so brutally ? What enmity could he have with her ? Who is that murderer ? So now the investigation of Bengaluru police begins.

Mahalakshmi was living separately from her husband for a year

After initial interrogation of Mahalakshmi's mother and sister, it is revealed that till 2019 , this entire family used to live in Nepal. In 2019 itself, Mahalakshmi got married to a Nepali boy named Hemant Das. After marriage, both of them reach Bangalore from Nepal with the hope of employment and better life. In Bangalore, Hemant started working at a mobile shop. While Mahalakshmi got a job as a sales woman team leader in the beauty shop of a famous mall. Both started living in a rented house in Neela Mangala area of Bengaluru. Later both of them had a daughter. Everything was fine till 2023. But in 2023 , Hemant and Mahalakshmi separated. The daughter lived with Hemant Das. While Mahalakshmi took a room on rent here in Vyalikaval area five months ago. Now she lived alone here. Every 15 days or once a month, she used to go to Hemant's house to meet her daughter.

First doubt on the theory of love triangle

According to the investigation, the reason for this distance between Hemant and Mahalakshmi was a love triangle. Hemant suspected that a hair dresser Ashraf from Uttarakhand and Mahalakshmi were having an affair. There used to be a lot of fights between Hemant and Mahalakshmi over this issue. And due to this fight, Mahalakshmi started living separately from Hemant about 9 months ago. She lived with her mother and younger sister for a few months and then came to this rented house five months ago. According to the neighbors, Mahalakshmi did not mix with many people in the neighborhood. She did not even talk to anyone. She would go to work every day at 9:30 in the morning and would come home after 10:30 in the night. The neighbors did see a stranger picking and dropping Mahalakshmi from the house on some occasions. But they do not know who he is . According to the Bengaluru Police, they are trying to find out who that stranger is. According to the police, it is very possible that the same stranger is the murderer of Mahalakshmi.

There was suspicion of an affair with a hairdresser

According to Bengaluru police, they have so far questioned Mahalakshmi's husband Hemant Das and the hairdresser Ashraf, whom Hemant suspected , for a long time . But after the initial questioning of both of them, the police has come to the conclusion that neither of them had any role in Mahalakshmi's murder. The call detail records of both of them and their location from September 2 to September 19 did not show anything that could make them suspicious. So the question is who is Mahalakshmi's murderer ? Who is the one who killed her so mercilessly and stuffed the pieces of the body in the fridge ?

Police suspect a stranger

So according to Bangalore police, the call details of Mahalakshmi's mobile itself are pointing the needle of suspicion towards a stranger. However, according to the police, they have information about that stranger. They know his name too. They even know that after Mahalakshmi's murder, he has gone to West Bengal via Bhubaneswar. The police do not want to disclose his name right now so that they do not get alerted. But if Bangalore police is to be believed, once that person is caught , all the questions will be answered.

Did the murderer cut the body into pieces while staying at home?

Police investigation has also revealed that no one has visited Mahalakshmi's house since September 2 , the day Mahalakshmi disappeared and her mobile was switched off . Even the neighbors never heard any sound from Mahalakshmi's house on September 2 or after that which would have made them suspicious. However, after seeing the crime scene, the police believe that Mahalakshmi was murdered in this room. The reason behind this theory is that in the area where Mahalakshmi lives , it is not possible to go to the first floor with a dead body. Anyone can easily see. According to the police, it is very possible that Mahalakshmi was given some sedative or sleeping pills before the murder and that is why no sound came from the house.

The murderer was not in a hurry

The way the body was cut into pieces has given the police an idea that it was not done in a hurry. That means the murderer cut the body into pieces comfortably inside the house. That means even after the murder, he stayed in the same house for several hours or most likely the whole night. However, the surprising thing is that no one saw him leave. The police is searching all the CCTV footage around the building where Mahalakshmi lived . The police is hoping that given the timing of the incident, the stranger must have been captured in some camera. By the way, if the police even knows that the murderer has reached West Bengal via Bhubaneswar , then obviously they must also know the real name and face of the murderer. So hope that very soon that face and name will also be revealed.

Mahalakshmi murder is a repeat of Shraddha case

Mahalakshmi's case is very similar to Shraddha's case of 2022. After Mahalakshmi's murder , the pieces of the body were in the fridge for 19 days. Shraddha was murdered in Delhi on 18 May 2022. While the murder was revealed in November. After the murder, Aftab kept taking out the pieces of the body from the fridge in installments and disposing them in the forests for about a month. Mahalakshmi was married. But was living separately from her husband. Shraddha was living with Aftab without marriage. Aftab suspected Shraddha's relationship with someone else. Here in Mahalakshmi's case, her husband Hemant suspected her affair. But whether this suspicion became the reason for Mahalakshmi's murder or the reason is something else , it will be revealed only when the murderer is in police custody. However, like Aftab, in Mahalakshmi's case, the police have given a clean chit to her husband Hemant Das. That means he is not the murderer of his wife. Shraddha case had for the first time given the idea of chopping the body into pieces and keeping it in the fridge or hiding it. The same was done with Mahalakshmi's body. Currently, Shraddha's case is in a Delhi court. The matter is in a fast track court. But despite this, even the testimony in this case has not been completed. It is not known when the sentence will be announced .

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