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'My husband loves my male best friend - he has no idea about our passionate 30-year affair'

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A wife has confessed to a 30-year with her male best friend - but her husband is none the wiser.

The woman, who has shared her story under the pseudonym Laura, has admitted to having a secret with her university friend, Tim, without her husband, Jonny, knowing. She said the pair "passionately" make when they go on trips together and Jonny never bats an eyelid because he loves and trusts Tim.

As well as being her closest friend, Tim is the godfather of their three sons. They have been sleeping together almost as long as Laura has been married. But despite having "the most almighty sexual spark", Laura admits that her and Tim are "too different" outside of the bedroom, which is why they wouldn't work.


Wiltshire-born Laura explains they were best friends long before they first had sex - but now, there's "no way" she could ever stop sleeping with Tim. She describes herself as a fiftysomething "Mrs Average", with a brown bob and slim figure. Writing for , Laura says: "Aside from Tim, I've never once looked at another man."

She explains that she and Jonny share a business, a TV production company in the village where they live, and have two Labradors and a cat as well as their three children. While life at home is very mundane, her weekends away with best pal Tim are "wild".

Calling herself a "hypocrite", Laura admits: "If the shoe was on the other foot, there's no way I'd tolerate my husband having such an intense friendship with another woman, never mind sleeping with her." However, she adds that it "enrages" her that Jonny is so comfortable with her being so close to Tim.

Laura describes her sexual escapades with Tim as "intoxicatingly addictive" because they give her a "secret sense of power" and thrill. She writes: "Sometimes I look around the living room, when my three sons and husband are stretched on the sofas around me, and wonder how they can't sense the fiery passions that boil within me."

Laura, whose mother had her aged 16 after a fling with an older man, says her childhood wasn't "conventional" and she had a "strict" upbringing living with her grandparents. When she fled the nest to university, she met Tim, who was "tall, slim with blonde hair and an easy charisma".

A year later, her mother took her own life and Tim was there to support her. He helped her heal and their relationship was "entirely platonic", even when they moved in together in their final year of study. But in their last week, "everything changed" and they started kissing.

After she and Tim had sex, he promised they would always be best friends. They went separate ways after university and Laura "mourned" Tim, who travelled the . Meanwhile, she met Jonny and he made her feel "safe". After he proposed, Tim visited to meet him and Jonny was so happy to see her "best buddy".

But when Jonny was away, Tim paid Laura - who was married - a visit and they had sex in her kitchen. Tim felt guilty but Laura reassured him that she needed him in her life, and she would remain married to Jonny. Over the next few decades, their secret romance continued and they would have "sizzling" weekends away together.

While Jonny's mother seems to have her suspicions, their sons - who are in their twenties - have never questioned it and call him "Uncle Tim". Laura says she is proud to have recently celebrated her 30th wedding anniversary, but adds: "If I was given an ultimatum, I have no intention of saying goodbye to my best friend and lover."

Their real names have not been used.

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